Geneva Stock, LLC’s team of debt capital markets specialists has comprehensive experience providing its services to institutions, companies and individual investors both at home and abroad.
Our clients are confident in our experience that results from the blend of the company’s international technical expertise with our comprehensive specialist knowledge concerning industries and industry sectors.
At Geneva Stock, LLC we advise our international and local clients on an extensive spectrum of debt capital market offerings, adapting our approach according to their specific situation. The result of this is the improvement of our lawyer’s abilities to direct our clients through the intricate network of global and local laws and regulations, local customs and market practices in order to achieve their financial ambitions.
Likewise, our debt capital markets advocates are dynamically involved in consulting and replying to new market initiatives, conventions and standards at multiple levels.
Representative areas:
- Bonds, medium-turn notes and euro medium-turn notes;
- Municipal and sovereign debt securities;
- Convertibles and exchangeable debt securities;
- Maple bonds;
- Commercial notes and asset-backed commercial notes;
- Asset backed securities;
- Credit-linked debt securities;
- Certified securities;
- Islamic finance;
- High yield debt;
- Sovereign Debt;
The above mentioned class of representative work includes debt securities:
- Rated and unrated;
- Private placements (local and international);
- Distributed in the US, UK, continental Europe and Asia, and;
- Listed on multiple stock exchanges from North America, Asia and Europe (including the New York Stock Exchange and London Stock-Exchange)